Outdoor Emergency Care Program

For more information on the Region OEC Program please contact:

Chuck Dunn    716-639-1650 (h), 716645-3582 (w)

Region OEC Advisor:        Chuck Dunn

Training Officers:                MaryLyn Lulas - Buffalo Ski Center

                                                 Ellen Conrad - Cockaigne

                                                 Robert Cross - Denton Hill

                                                 Ann Manzella -  Kissing Bridge

                                                 Mike Augello - Holiday Valley

                                                 Dave Gossel - HoliMont   

                                                 Adam Reese - Peek'n Peak

                                                 Butch MacQueen - Allegheny Nordic



OEC Committee

Purpose of the OEC Committee: To have a representative from each patrol encourage communication between the Patrol and the Region OEC Administrator.  To help the Region OEC Administrator provide a quality OEC Program to the region.

Selection of the OEC Committee: Each Patrol Director will select a patrol member who is involved in the OEC Program (having minimum the credentials of an OEC Instructor) to be the patrol representative.  Patrol Directors will review their representation once a year.  


Tasks of the OEC Committee

Secretarial:  to take and distribute minutes of the OEC Committee Meetings.  Minutes are to be e-mailed to the Patrol Directors, Region Director, Section Chiefs, Committee Members.  If e-mail is not an option, minutes are to be mailed via postal mail.  Notices for upcoming meetings are mailed to the appropriate people in a timely fashion. 

OEC Course Representative:  to keep in close contact with the Course Instructors and help with the setting up of the Course, encourage participation of other OEC Instructors,  be of assistance in whatever way is needed to assure the course is well run. 

Refresher Follow-up:  to make sure all the appropriate paperwork has been completed and turned in, make sure Records Keeper for the Region is notified of who attended what refresher.

Senior EMM Trainer Coordinator:  to run the Senior OEC Program in its entirety.

Phase II Coordinator:  to see that at least one OEC Phase II Course is offered each year, set up the course, notify the appropriate parties of the course specifics, encourage participation, select I/T’s and OEC Instructors to run the course.



OEC Instructors

An OEC Instructor is a current NSP member, Alumni Association member or member of an NSP approved affiliated organization that has successfully completed the OEC Course, the Instructor Development: Phase I Course, and the OEC: Phase II Course modules.

An OEC Instructor is selected after submitting an Instructor Application to the OEC Supervisor, Administrator or Instructor Trainer and then assists in teaching two or more courses under the supervision of an appointed mentor.  The Division OEC Supervisor, or delegated individual, will appoint the instructor for a period of three years.

OEC Instructors are responsible for teaching OEC Courses, Continuing Education Clinics and Refreshers using only current OEC materials and requires students to use current materials as well.  There should be a cooperative relationship with assigned Instructor Trainer.

OEC Instructors are responsible for the Quality Management of the OEC Program, which includes personal competency in all knowledge and skill areas as well as student competency validation.   May act as a mentor for an interning instructor. 

OEC Instructors are responsible for some of the administration in the OEC Program: as an instructor of record and by maintaining personal teaching and continuing education records. 



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